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  • v1.2.3
    Implements diffusion of potential temperature in the atmospheric evolution model and other features to be in line with 
    the results presented in Leconte et al. (2024). Inclusion of Helios-binary and Atmo-netcdf data formats (Courtesy A. Falco).
    Inclusion of Cia tabular data format (Courtesy A. Maurel).
  • v1.2.2
    ac2c18e7 · release exo_k v1.2.2 ·
    Release: v1.2.2
  • v1.2.1
    v1.2.1 (June 2023): Fixes some minor bugs in the atmospheric evolution module.
    Addition of a contribution function in the atmospheric radiative transfer module. See the atmosphere tutorial for an example.
  • v1.2.0
    v1.2.0 (July 2022): The model for atmospheric evolution is finally stable and documented.
    The Atm module has also seen several noteworthy additions: surface albedo, oceans, etc.
    We also added a framework for an automatic test suite. In particular, we can test several python versions. Additional tests should rapidly come along.
    Rosseland and Planck mean opacities can now be computed from radiative tables.
  • v1.0.2
    f6d46a0a · v1.0.2 ·
    v1.0.2 (June 2021): Adds a few missing dependencies. Enables computation of thermal
    emission spectra with scattering through the two-stream method (full documentation pending). 
    Enables creating Xtables for a mix of gases (CIA can be added as well). Solves some issues
    with the 2018 Hitran CIA format.
  • v1.0.1
    14820828 · v1.0.1 ·
    v1.0.1 (Jan 2021): Solves a binary/string conversion issue on some platforms.
    Enables linear interpolation in pressure (default is log). Enables creation of
    empty tables to filled later and spectral extension of existing tables.
  • v1.0.0
    First official release.
  • v0.0.4
    8e27ecd9 · v0.0.4 ·
    Corrected compatibility issues with molecule names in hdf5
  • v-0.0.2
    a353f3f0 · Version beta 0.0.2 ·
    New version of exo_k on Pypi including recent changes to the name matching strategy.
  • v-0.0.1
    First beta version put on Pypi